OneScreen Central User Manual

Modified on Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 9:59 AM

OneScreen Central lets you monitor, manage and control all your OneScreen displays from one easy-to-use cloud-based platform. The straightforward interface lets you complete complex configurations with ease for countless devices. It allows you to perform functionalities such as installing applications, changing settings, installing policies, allowing, or disallowing webpages or applications and sending files such as pdf, word docs, power points, messages, alarms, and photos on a single or group of devices. You can also access user activity reports such as analytics on the device’s power-on time and app usage etc. 

1. Create a OneScreen Central Account 

Registering a new account and start enrolling devices is simple. 

Before we start, it is important to understand the terminology used by OneScreen Central and explain the different fields, roles and concepts. 

Domain: It is also referred to as the Account. This is your actual account name and will follow you everywhere, when you login, create users, connect devices, etc. A domain can be any text that the server will respond as legal or available during registration. 

User: The user is the entity that manages devices. The format of a user will always be xxx@your-domain, “xxx” being the user and “your-domain” is the account name you registered. The default username will be admin@your-domain and cannot be changed. 

Actions/Commands: These are the commands that can be sent to your OneScreen displays using OneScreen Central. 

1.1.Signing up for OneScreen Central Account 

Click here to sign in to your OneScreen Central Account. You will have to fill the details in the form below to complete the sign up process.

After registering, you should receive an email containing an account activation link. Make sure you click on the link to activate your account.

1.2.Sign in your OneScreen Central Account 

Click here to sign in to the VISO console. Remember, the username format is user@your-domain with no extra suffixes, e.g .com


1.3.Enrolling your OneScreen Displays 

OneScreen Displays can be enrolled in OneScreen Central by using the domain name of the user’s account. It is advisable to enroll the OneScreen Displays to Central during the installation of the devices to save up time and cost during the installation process. The following steps may be followed to enroll a device onto OneScreen Central. To enroll a display on OneScreen Central, open the OneScreen Central App on your OneScreen Display and perform the steps mentioned below. 

1. Step 1: Write down the Domain Name (admin@your-domain) which has been used to create OneScreen Central account. 

2. Step 2: Press the box to Accept terms and conditions. 

3. Step 3: Press ENROLL to enroll the OneScreen Display onto your OneScreen Central account. 

Note: The steps mentioned above are mandatory for enrolling your Displays. You can enroll a single Display with only one OneScreen Central account. In case you have your device already enrolled with a Central Account, you will have to reset its authentication token via OneScreen Central web platform to re-enroll it with a different account.

1.4.Settings up tags to manage your OneScreen Displays 

A tag is a word that can be applied to a device to describe one of its attributes. Tagging devices make it easier to locate specific devices and apply commands to those only. The user can add multiple tags to each device and there is no limit to the number of tags you can create. For example, you can tag a device with words such as its location (room number, building name, campus). Tagging also allows users to group devices, filter them or assign devices to certain users within the Central Platform. 

Once you have enrolled your device with a OneScreen Central Account, press the menu icon (three dots) on the top right corner of your OneScreen Central Application.

Step 4: Now press Config Server to open the OneScreen Central manual setup window.


 Step 5: The fields shown in the picture below are filled automatically. Press next to skip to the next page.

 Step 6: You can type any text in the Tags text box to convert it into a tag. These tags can then be used to filter your devices and assign them to groups and users within your OneScreen Central platform. 

Step 7: Read the terms and conditions and press ‘I agree’ to accept the EULA and Disclosure agreement. 

Step 8: Review all the information filled in the previous steps. Press Finish to finish the enrollment process.

Once all the above steps have been completed your device will be enrolled in your OneScreen Central Account with your assigned tags. Now you can start managing your devices using the MDM Platform. 

2. User Enrollment 

In order to delegate rights to different users/managers, you can create new users/profiles with different privileges, roles, interface languages and group rights. This user is an MDM console user and has no relations to the local device user. 

You may follow the steps below to create users in your OneScreen Central. 

1. On the left side main menu, click on “Users”, a list of all existing users will be displayed 

2. On the upper right side menu, click on the “+” icon to add a new user 

3. Fill in all the details of the user and hit confirm 

The table below explains the different fields in the user creation window. 

3. Overview Dashboard


The dashboard is the first screen you see when logging into your account. It provides you a holistic view and stats of all your devices and actions.

Each tile represents a block of information:

4. Device Grouping and Filtering 

4.1.Grouping Devices 

OneScreen central allows you to group multiple OneScreen Displays together based on their tags to perform actions simultaneously on all the devices added in a group. This makes it easy for users to manage multiple screens efficiently. A group contains devices that are dynamically filtered by different criteria. You get the ‘All’ group created by default when you create a Central account which is a master group containing all the devices enrolled to the domain and is allowed to be viewed by the logged in user. There is no limit to the number of groups you can create in an account, and a device can be a member of more than one group. Follow the instructions below to create a group on your OneScreen Central.


1. Go to the ‘Devices’ tab of your OneScreen Central. 

2. Click on the ‘Groups’ button on the top right corner of your devices tab to see all the existing groups of your OneScreen Central. If you are a new user, you will be able to see the ‘All’ and ‘New Devices’ group by default in your OneScreen Central Groups section.


3. Click on the ‘+’ icon. 

4. Give your group a name and description in the name and description section. 

5. Click on the ‘tags’ icon on the left pane of the Create new group window and now you can start assigning tags to the group that you are creating. For example, if you assign the tag ‘Campus1’ and ‘Building6’ to the group, all the devices that carrying those tags or the devices that will be enrolled into Central with these tags will be added to the group automatically.

6. You may also add a default app by going to Packages tab and clicking on ‘Add Packages’. This will allow you to automatically install an application on every device that you add to the group thus saving you a lot of time in setting devices uniformly across the group.  

4.2.Filtering Devices 

You may also filter your devices based on certain criteria such as Tag, Last seen, Policies, OS Version, Permissions etc. and then select the filtered devices to perform actions. The devices can be filtered by criteria such as ‘is’, ‘starts with’, ‘ends with’ etc. and you also have the option to combine several filters by using ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ operations. Please follow the steps below to filter your devices. 

1. Go to the ‘Devices’ tab of your OneScreen Central Account. 

2. Click on the ‘Filter’ icon present in the search bar

3. Now set up your filters by choosing a Conditions relation (AND or OR), and the fields according to which you would like to filter your devices. For example, you can set the ‘Tag’ to contain ‘Building’ AND ‘Model’ to contain ‘TL7’ to see all the devices having a tag name that contains the world ‘Building’ and model name containing ‘TL7’.

4. Now click on ‘Quick Search’ to see your filtered devices. 

5. Now you can select the filtered devices by clicking on the ‘Select All’ check box or individual check boxes right next to the devices name to send commands to them. 

6. In case you want to remove the filtered view of devices, you can click on the ‘Show all devices’ option on the top right corner of your screen right next to the ‘Filtered results: Quick search’ to reset the filters. 

5. Apply Commands or Actions on Devices 

One of the main purposes of a device management platform is to apply commands and actions to the devices. Applying commands to devices can be done on a single device, a group of devices, selected devices or all the devices on your account at once based on the user’s preference. 

5.1 Apply commands to a single OneScreen Display 

Applying commands to a single OneScreen Display is done on the display’s control panel. Click on the device you would like to apply the command to, on the right you will see the list of commands, select the desired command. When working on a single device, all commands are immediate and cannot be scheduled. There are some commands that are unique to a 1 to 1 operation, such as “Remote control” that can only be started from the device control panel. 

5.2 Apply commands to a group of displays 

Most of the commands that can be applied to a single device can also be applied to a group. This functionality allows you to send a command to all the devices enrolled in a group through a single action. Follow the steps below to send a command to a group. 

1. Go to the ‘Devices’ section of your OneScreen Central. 

2. Click on ‘Groups’ on the top right to see the list of all groups in your OneScreen Central Account 

3. Now click on Actions to select a command or action and send it to all the devices in that group


5.3 Apply commands to selected displays 

The user may also select devices manually using the check boxes in Devices list. Once the devices are selected, the user can click on the repository actions on the top bar of OneScreen Central to send these commands to the selected number of screens. The user may also press the ‘More actions’ button on the top bar of Central to select commands from the expanded view of repositories actions.

6. Sending Messages or Announcements to your OneScreen Displays 

You can use the built in messaging and notification features of OneScreen Central to use your MDM solution for conveying messages, notifications or announcements to all the OneScreen Displays enrolled in your MDM platform. This can be done by using the ‘Send Message’ or ‘Advanced Messaging’ actions in your MDM. 

6.1 Send Message 

To send a quick text message on your OneScreen’s simply select a single or several screens from your ‘Devices’ tab, you may also filter the devices that you want to send the message to or send a message to a group of devices using the ‘Groups’ section of your devices list. Once you have the devices selected you can follow the steps below to send a message to the devices. 

1. Click on the ‘More actions’ button of your OneScreen Central top toolbar if you want to send the message on a single or a selected number of devices or click on the three dots (Actions) right next to the group name if you want to send the message to a group. 

2. Now click on ‘Send Message’ 

3. Type the title of the message in the ‘Message title’ text box and type the detailed message in the ‘Message body’ 

4. Press confirm to send the message to the selected devices or group. 

6.2 Advanced Messaging 

The users may use the advanced messaging feature to broadcast multimedia content such as text, pictures and audios on the selected number of screens or to a whole group of OneScreens. Once you have selected the devices that you want to send the Advanced Message on, follow the steps below. 

1. Click on the ‘More actions’ button of your OneScreen Central top toolbar if you want to send the message on a single or a selected number of devices or click on the three dots (Actions) right next to the group name if you want to send the message to a group. 

2. Now click on ‘Advanced Message’ 

3. This will open all the previously saved message repositories in your OneScreen Central. You may choose a repository from the saved presets or click on ‘Add New’ on the bottom right corner to create a new Advanced Message. 

4. Now type the Advanced Message Name and Description 

5. Click on the ‘Content’ icon located on the left pane of the Advanced Message Window.

6. Now you can click on the ‘Add Image Set’ to add any image from your assets in your message. You may also select how you would want to stretch the image on the screen along with the text that you would like to display on the picture 

7. You can also click on ‘Add Audio Asset’ to add a background audio with your picture. You can pick any audio saved previously in your assets or may add new audio by clicking on the ‘Add New’ section on the bottom left corner of the Assets window and then selecting ‘Audio’ as the ‘Asset Type’. This option not only allows you to add an existing audio set but also allows you to record an audio message from within your OneScreen Central platform allowing you to use Central as an intercom for your organisation.

7. Installing Apps on your OneScreen Displays 

Installing applications remotely to one or many devices is done by creating an “Install Package” repository. This feature allows users to create repositories of wanted applications in advance and then send them out to selected device/devices, filtered devices or a group of devices when needed by click of a single button. Follow the steps below to install apps using OneScreen Central. 

1. Click on the “Repositories” button on the left side menu and choose “Packages” from the dropdown menu. A new window will open with a list of existing packages. 

2. Click on the “Add New” button to add a new package.

3. Select the package source. It is recommended that users use the ‘Upload File’ option to upload an android apk file to the central platform to install it on the OneScreen. 

4. You may toggle on the ‘Set as private’ if you do not want the users enrolled in your Central platform to view the package that you are creating. 

5. Once you create the package, you can send it over to selected device/devices, filtered devices or a group of devices by going to the Devices tab.

8. Configuring the settings of your OneScreen Displays 

You can create a settings action on your OneScreen Central in the repositories and then send it over to your devices when needed. This feature can help you setup the same settings on all your screens simultaneously. Follow the steps below to create a settings action on your device. 

1. Click on the “Repositories” button on the left side menu and choose “Settings” from the dropdown menu. A new window will open with a list of existing settings bundles. 

2. Click on the “Add New” button to add a new settings bundle. Add a name and description. 

3. Now you can click on the different tabs on the left of the New setting window to configure different types of settings on your device. The description and functionalities of different tabs is mentioned below. 

9. Deploying Certificates 

Deploying certificates is important for web filtering, VPN authentications and many other use cases. You may use the settings repository to deploy as many certificates to as many devices at once. 

In order to send a certificate, first obtain the certificate file and copy the text context (ALL OF IT). 

Certificate content example


htyC0DCCAbigAwIBAgIJANo7qOC32G2qMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMBgxFjAUBgNV AMTDXBhLm5lc2gubG9jYWwwHhcNMTcwODE3MTQwNDA2WhcNMjEwODE2MTQwNDA 2 WjAYMRYwFAYDVQQDEw1wYS5uZXNoLmxvY2FsMIIBIjANBashlEidykkGPnsTF90Z z6x/XfD967VVUMzSptosFpk67rkTKpbXIlREfvk1V59ZDIQ45cREq8LTU4WWUwCe hc0/EniQEAQBCI3Srlwp8Y47EPvdylm4mBPDDlVsM3z5DOaYeU0XjAvfbt0AiaFh 6XMrjuNggrwkknrR4WjRFaphq0TDmrsKRbooodAIPKBHeqJI1h2skNyFMC5MKNEF lQPzzkkPVLAc5HQqgRvCxsR6ryRx+7kWruyeIK4omMIwFECiluh4GPt7GAUi3z1G Gui3k45fzwHDYoyIxek81wu1q8scoBFMaQASP121OUnm4qciml6H06+BmqKkNGeN n5yrwUtVy1EncNNz2Nf4LX1MPncqctergt38AIJBiFrU8fu3PclrQkslTqtS5vEQ YXb67BgtXS0K2ifsLQQcgPKdm+84DMDv8EMGiwIDAQABox0wGzAMBgNVHRMEBTAD AQH/MAsGA1UdDwQEAwICBDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAcLhi0IVHrZ1IkDsP/87 ofki5ceJA0JNRl8oemlwmKedLJU+alAea3shsTvjgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCxCVVj AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAyjXFMS0g5D9qtjUiOR0Jx2Tp8EqiwE3GcKZzc9u4Vr4GDzcf 9qvuO4qZA4lKUtmst8pbstWh8d0gdwQbSY1uV1k8/vjusyCy5YIDr1D8QgUnWNHG 20 OneScreen Central User Guide 1gv79vj+qWDXEi1sOSiS2qMb0AJCbAVMstUNON9zNx3b1l6RXeHXBMaLgFVZmcT dslirh= 


Once the certificate’s text has been copied, follow the steps below. 

1. Go to Repositories > Device Settings 

2. Click on the Add New icon on the bottom left of the window 

3. The New Setting Window will open. Now click on the Certificate icon on the left pane of the window.

4. Toggle the Install certificate on 

5. Select type of User certificate from the dropdown 

6. Paste the content of the certificate in the Certificate body and confirm 

You can now deploy the certificate like any other repository item. 

10. Allowing or disallowing apps and webpages on your OneScreens 

You can allow and disallow applications and web pages on your OneScreen Displays by using the ‘Policies’, ‘Enable Apps’ or ‘Disable Apps’ on your OneScreen Central. 

10.1. Disallow App installation from third part sources 

OneScreen Central allows you to disallow installation of applications on your OneScreen devices that can be done by following the steps below. 

1. Go to the ‘Repositories’ section of your OneScreen Central 

2. Click on ‘Device Settings’ to open the settings repositories 

3. Click on ‘Add New’ on the bottom right corner of the New Settings window

4. Now navigate to ‘General’ tab of your Device Settings window from the left pane of the window 

5. Now go to the ‘Apps’ section within the New Settings 

6. Toggle on the ‘Disallow uninstall apps’ to disallow installation of apps on your device via OneScreen Store, USB or via your OneScreen Central. 

7. You may click the toggle button again to enable app installation on your OneScreen and revert back the settings. 

Moreover, you can also disable the OneScreen Store Application on your OneScreen Central platform in case if you do not want users to access the OneScreen Store Application to download any applications. More details regarding this can be found in the Enable or Disable Apps section of the guide. 

10.2. Enable or Disable Apps 

Alternatively, you may also use the ‘Enable Apps’ or ‘Disable Apps’ actions to enable or disable applications on your selected device/devices or groups. This can be done by following the steps below. 

1. Select the device/devices you want to enable or disable an application on. You may also select a group from the Groups section. 

2. Now click on the ‘More Actions’ on the top bar of your OneScreen Central or in case you want to enable or disable the apps on groups, click on the Actions button next to the group name. 

3. Now search for the apps that you want to enable or disable and press the ‘+’ icon to add them in the list. Click on Enable or Disable after the list is complete to execute the action. 

11. Create Workflows 

OneScreen Central allows you to send multiple commands in an orderly manner using the workflows. This helps you send commands in succession thus saving you time and effort while sending multiple commands on a device. Workflows can be created using the steps below. 

1. Click on the ‘Repositories’ button on the left side menu and choose ‘Workflow’ from the dropdown menu. A new window will open with a list of existing settings workflows. 

2. Click on ‘Add New’ button on the bottom left corner of the screen to create a new workflow. 

3. Give a name to your workflow and write a description of what the workflow does. You can also set the workflow to be private if you do not want it to be accessible by other users in your OneScreen Central domain. 

4. Click on ‘Commands’ tab on the left pane of the window. 

5. Click on ‘Add Command’ to start adding commands in your workflow 

6. Now select the command that you want to add in your workflow 

7. Once the first command is added, you can press the Add Command button again to keep on adding more commands in the workflows. 

8. You can check the ‘Stop on failure’ checkbox to stop the execution of the workflow if the selected command fails to execute. 

9. You may also check the ‘Wait until done’ command if you would want the workflow to wait for the first command to be executed before the next command is sent 

10. Once the workflow has been configured, hit confirm to save it in your repositories to be used whenever needed.

12. Commands History 

After applying commands on devices, groups or creating a triggered command, you may want to query command result and perhaps manage the ongoing commands. 

On the left side main menu, click on “Commands” and you will be presented with command history summary. You can sort and search results by any column. 

By clicking on any line (Command) you can see more in-depth information about the command itself. In the example below, the command to send a message was delivered successfully to all devices (in this case there was only one device).

In the example below, the command to install a new package was delivered successfully to 33 out of 44 devices in total. You may also click on the Status filter to see the devices with failed or pending commands only.

You can always stop, start, edit, resend or delete any commands by clicking on the three dots right next to the Command Description.

13. Device Credits 

Each device connected to the server consumes 1 credit per day (365 credits per year). This means that if you want a yearly license to cover 10 devices, you will need 3,650 credits or a 3 year contract will require 3 x 3,650 = 10,950 credits. 

Once new devices are added (for example 5 more, a total of 15 devices) they will also consume daily credits. You do not need to purchase more credits instantly, as you have 3,650 credits that are now consumed by 15 devices. Your account will last 3,650 / 15 = 244 days. 

The credits system is very accurate and flexible, this allows you to: 

1. Be precise in your payment cycles 

2. Pay only for the number of actual devices connected 

3. Set your desired yearly renewals 

4. Immediately remove lost/broken devices from the payment cycle 

5. Add or remove devices without the need to purchase additional licenses for them

6. Have a “bank” of bulk credits that are consumed centrally rather than by a “named device license” 

13.1. Your account dashboard 

The account dashboard shows the status of your account

  • Active/Disabled/Trial – What is the current account status
  • Account created – When the account was registered
  • Account credits – How many credits in total are left (available) to date
  • Days remaining – The total number of days left for the account
  • Billing history – The credit purchase history
  • Redeem credits – Redeem manual credit by typing the coupon codes
  • Credit calculator – Helps to determine the number of credits needed according to the duration and number of devices

13.2. How to redeem offline purchases 

When credits are purchased, they can be added to your OneScreen Central Account by simply copying and pasting your coupon code to the “Redeem credits from coupon code” tile on your account dashboard and finally clicking on the “REDEEM” button. This updates you credits balance instantly.


13.3. Billing history 

The billing history tile will display your entire billing history and balance – before and after purchases.

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